Friday 9 December 2011

Chips Adventures

    Tasha smiles as she sees her mate sitting in the cave opening with his hand reaching out to help her into the cave. They hug tight as she sits beside him, and says: "I didn't know this cave was here." Chip nods: I am not surprised. This bush had it mostly covered till I nearly uprooted it as it broke my fall." She hugs him again: "I am glad it did."

    She looks into the dark cave her eyes following the ancient stairway as it disappears into the darkness: "We need to find a place to spend the night. Maybe this stairway leads to the top of the cliff." Chip nods: "Lets see where it goes then." She nods: "I will leave this rope here incase it's blocked and we have to return."

    Tasha pulls a candle from her pack, and lights it: "We will need a light to see." Chip nods as the two young rabbits work there way ever deeper into the dark cavern. With only a flickering candle to light their way.
    After climbing for several minutes along the dark passage it opens up into a large cavern. With only the light of the candle they slowly search the huge room for a path that continues upward.

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